Modify a new computer for God of War It aims to make Kratos’ arrow-tipped son, Atreus, a playable character. But it will probably take some time before he becomes as nimble as he is at the end of the game.
Modder speculators He posted a YouTube video yesterday showing a playable Atreus. in 2018 God of War In the game, Atreus helps Kratos shoot arrows at enemies while his father hacks and makes his way through the rest, just like Ellie with Joel in the last of us. However, Kratos becomes an absent father in this mode while Atreus takes center stage with the likes of giant trolls, flying demons, and the mysterious Baldur alone
Since the previous PlayStation 4 exclusive made its way to PC on January 14, Specilizer has been working hard to create God the war Modification. In fact, they have already made one that makes Kratos head like Swelled like his ego, another where the god of war youngerand one where The game in the first person (As was the series originally set up).
However, to say that the latest Speclizer mod made Atreus a fully playable character is a bit generous, something the creator readily admits in the video description and pinning comment.
“As you can see, it is clearly not the smoothest experience at the moment. I still need to put in a lot of work in editing to get it to a point where it works flawlessly,” they wrote.
Read more: God Of War is getting rave reviews on PC
The modified gameplay of Atreus is very limited and entertaining to watch. Lots of video, apart from one notable moment where Kratos does not save his son with a rockappears around the little hunter sliding around the ground as if he’s rocking a pair of Norse Heelys while shooting arrows and apologizing to enemies (since Kratos isn’t there to scold him) whenever he needs to reload.
Although the mod’s limited motion suite has been upgraded from the “Press Square” animation to “Boy” Action, it’s a great starting point to do God of WarHis favorite son can be played entirely on PC. I hope that the modification will be completed before the sequel to the long-awaited game, God of War: Ragnarok, It comes out later this year.
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