January 23, 2025

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You can throw up AI overview in a Google search

You can throw up AI overview in a Google search

If you’ve searched for something on Google recently, you may have noticed a wall of text appearing before the actual search results. This feature, called AI Overviews, provides an AI-generated answer to specific queries. But it also pushes your list of links further down the page, making it a bit annoying to scroll past when you want to do your own research — and it’ll get even more annoying once Google starts stuffing ads into it.

But although Google does not allow you to disable this feature, there are several ways to work around it.

One of the best ways to “turn off” this feature is to reconfigure your browser’s default search engine options. the site com. tenbluelinks Provides instructions on how to do this in Chrome on Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac, as well as in Firefox on Windows and Mac.

You can block AI Overviews by configuring the default URL of your search engine.
Screenshot: Emma Roth/The Verge

  • In Chrome on Windows or Mac, go to Settings > Search engine > Manage search engines and site search.
  • From there choose Add Next to the “Site Search” section.
  • Add a nickname for the AI-free version of Google in the Name section, add an abbreviation, and then paste this URL: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&udm=14.
  • When you’re done, press Memorizes or Add. Then select the three dots next to the entry and choose Make default.

The next time you do a search, you shouldn’t see an AI overview.

Or you can try setting a filter in uBlock.
Screenshot: Emma Roth/The Verge

There are some other simple ways to avoid the AI ​​Overviews feature as well, including: Origin of uBlock. A Reddit user has been found You can avoid the feature by downloading the uBlock extension for your browser. Then go to the settings menu, go to My filters Section, paste google.com##.GcKpu in the list, then choose Apply changes.

Finally, if you only want to avoid AI Overviews once in a while, you can do a search, then select More > Web For a no-overview (and no ads) site list powered by AI.

Any of these methods should give you a break from AI search results — at least until Google rolls out the “off” button.