Record temperatures, hurricanes, and wildfires have all been in the news in recent years. While not everyone agrees that such events are a direct result of climate change, they do Do It correlates with people's opinions on the topic: A large majority of Americans feel that the United States needs to address climate change, and those who report experiencing extreme weather are more likely to say we should do it now.
Views on climate change have long been linked to partisanship, and remain so, but age is also a factor. Younger Americans, including younger Republicans, are more likely to say the United States needs to take steps to at least try to slow it down.
There is a sense of urgency on the part of many in the audience as well. A large majority believes this problem needs to be addressed at least in the next few years, including half who think it needs to be addressed now.
There is a feeling that we must address climate change, and there is also some belief that we should Can.
This extends to the personal level as well. Most Americans believe that humans can at least do something to slow the effects of climate change, and those who believe so feel they personally have a responsibility to do something about it.
Extreme weather and climate change
People who report experiencing extreme weather in their area in recent years — which represents half the country's population — are more likely than those who don't believe climate change is a major factor contributing to extreme weather, and more of them see the problem as one that needs to be addressed immediately. .
Even if people have not experienced extreme weather themselves, such events can raise concerns. When people hear that the Earth is experiencing the hottest temperatures on record, more than half say it makes them more concerned about climate change. Those who do not see climate change as a factor in extreme weather are less convinced, including some who do not believe the Earth's temperature is rising.
Youth and political divisions over climate change
Majorities in all age groups favor the United States taking steps to address climate change, but people under 45 — many of whom say they learned about climate change in school — are particularly likely to support the country taking such action.
There have long been political divisions over tackling climate change, with Democrats expressing more concern than Republicans. These things continue today, to some extent. Democrats are more than twice as likely as Republicans to say climate change needs to be addressed now. Democrats overwhelmingly support the United States taking steps to limit climate change, but Republicans are divided on that.
Divisions in the Republican Party on climate?
The divisions within the GOP grassroots that we see are along age and ideological lines. Most younger Republicans — those under the age of 45 — support the United States taking steps to slow or stop climate change, while most older Republicans do not.
More moderate Republicans also see climate change as more urgent than those who are more conservative.
Like the general public, Republicans who report experiencing extreme weather conditions in their local area are more likely to think about the need to address climate change.
This CBS News/YouGov poll was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,230 adult U.S. residents interviewed April 16-19, 2024. The sample was weighted for sex, age, race, and education based on the U.S. Census Community Survey American and Current Population Survey, as well as past voting. The margin of error is ±2.7 points.
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