January 21, 2025

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According to JD Vance | Donald Trump will not support a national ban on abortion

(NEW YORK) Republican vice presidential candidate JT Vance said Donald Trump would not support a national ban on abortion if elected president and would veto such legislation if it landed in his office.

“I can absolutely vouch for that,” Vance said when asked Meet the pressTo NBC, Mr. If Trump can be assured that he will not impose such a ban. “Donald Trump’s point is that we want individual states, their individual cultures and their unique political sensitivities to make these decisions because we don’t want an endless federal conflict on this issue. »

This year’s Republican candidate is former President Mr. The Ohio senator also insisted that Trump would veto such legislation if passed by Congress.

“What I’m saying is, if you don’t support it as the president of the United States, you basically have to veto it,” he argued.

Mr. Vance’s comments came after Donald Trump highlighted his role in appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe V. at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week. Wade ends the constitutional right to abortion in the United States and paves the way for bans and restrictions in Republican-led states.

Photo by Ivan Vucci, Associated Press Archives

Donald Trump

While Donald Trump has repeatedly boasted of his role in overturning Roe, in recent days he has pushed back against Democrats’ warnings that he would go further to restrict access to abortion.

“My administration will be better for women and their reproductive rights,” she wrote Friday on her platform Truth Social, used by abortion rights activists and the left.

Wave of criticism

Her comments sparked a wave of criticism from abortion advocates, including the editor of a conservative magazine. National Reviewwho published an article entitled Trump’s abandonment of pro-survivors is over. Mr. Trump repeated his comments hours later at an event in Las Vegas.

“I am very much in favor of women’s reproductive rights. IVF [fécondation in vitro]Very supportive. I mean, we are leaders in this area. I think people see that,” he told reporters.

Democrats have responded to Mr Trump with deep skepticism.

Americans are not stupid, and we are not going to entrust the future of our daughters and granddaughters to two men who have openly bragged about blocking women’s access to abortion across the country.

Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts. on NBC

Senator Lindsay Graham, Mr. Trump’s ally brushed aside a question asking how the former president would be “better” on reproductive rights.

“You’ll have to ask him.” I would say that President Trump has been a very good president [antiavortement] “, he announced on the show State of the Union From CNN.

Photo Manuel Paul’s Seneta, Archives Associated Press

Lindsay Graham

The anti-abortion community, Mr. Graham elaborates, “Organized around the well-being of the child, offering the mother options other than abortion. » The senator added, “This movement will continue even after he leaves. »

Donald Trump has often struggled to talk about abortion. Earlier this year, he battled his stance on a federal ban on abortion, at one point suggesting he would support a ban at 15 weeks of pregnancy, when rape, sexual intercourse and the mother’s life are at risk. He then decided on his current position: restrictions should be left to the discretion of the states.

Mr. Trump did not say.

In an interview with CBS News earlier in the week, candidate Roe v. Wade. But after months of confusing reports, he said he would not use the so-called federal law Comstock Act In an attempt to ban the distribution of drugs used as substitutes for surgical abortions. It’s something some of his allies have called for and JD Vance has supported in the past.

“We will discuss the details, but in general, no,” he said. I won’t do that. It is available and it is now. I know, the Supreme Court said, “Get on with it.” I was going to appeal to the Supreme Court and agree, but basically they said, keep things the way they are now. »

Abortion has been a powerful thrust for Democrats since the Roe decision in the summer of 2022, and the party expects it to continue to play a prominent role this year.