January 26, 2025

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Complete News World

Extension of Covid protocols for returning to work in Hollywood; Support shots required soon – deadline

Extension of Covid protocols for returning to work in Hollywood;  Support shots required soon - deadline

Hollywood Corona virus disease Safety protocols have been extended through April 30 and updated to redefine “full vaccination” to include booster doses, effective March 15.

The updated rules also upgrade mask requirements to include KN95, KF94, or N95 masks that must be provided by the employer; Addition of a number of additional antigen tests authorized for use in Covid-19 testing; And renew the Covid-19 sick leave bank funding for all cast and crew for 10 days.

The updated protocols were reached by agreement between Motion Picture and Television Producers Alliance and Hollywood guilds, including SAG-AFTRA, DGA, IATSE, Teamsters, and core crafts.

In a message to its members, the National Executive Director of SAG-AFTRA Duncan Crabtree – Ireland He said unions and companies “agreed to extend the return to work agreement until April 30, 2022, with some changes that reflect the evolving conditions of the pandemic.”

“Organ safety is SAG-AFTRA’s top priority,” he wrote. “By working with our sister unions, the protocols have been drafted based on scientific consensus and the best available data. Since the protocols were implemented on September 21, 2020, it has proven to be highly effective in protecting representatives and staff from undue risks of Covid in the workplace. For the system to remain successful, the system requires everyone’s cooperation.”

The protocols of the film and television industry were Founded in September 2020 By agreement between the Motion Picture and Television Producers Alliance and the Hollywood Guilds: DGAsaj aftra, IATSEthe Truck drivers and basic character.

the Return to work protocolswhich enabled jobs and production to recover during the pandemic, was originally scheduled to expire on April 30, 2021, but has been extended Without major modifications and containing all provisions of the original agreement, including stringently applied testing systems, physical distancing, Covid compliance officers, diligent use of personal protective equipment and the “Zone” system to ensure that different sections of products are subject to strict control based on staff proximity , who cannot wear masks or maintain social distancing while working.

After vaccines became widely available, protocols were modified last July to give producers “the option to implement mandatory mold and crew vaccination policies in Zone A on a production-by-production basis.” Area A, where unmasked actors operate, is the most restricted group safe working area.

The protocols are set to expire again on October 31, and the protocols have been extended through January 15 with all the same authorizations for testing, concealment, quarantine and vaccinations “in accordance with current CDC guidelines.” It was extended again last month until February 13 and has now been extended until April 30.

See protocols here.

The “Mandatory Vaccination” section of the Protocols states: “Where permitted by law, the Producer may implement a policy providing that the following individuals must be fully immunized against Covid-19 as a condition of employment and/or prior to entering the workplace, to reasonable accommodations as required by law for the individuals Who cannot be vaccinated because of a disability, religious belief, practice, or sincere observance: (i) “Area A” employees provided that the Food and Drug Administration has approved or authorized the use of vaccines for individuals in the employee’s age group and approved or authorized vaccines are generally available to individuals in the age group of the employee; and (ii) studio teachers and any other individuals in close contact with the minors.”