A Donald Trump claimant defended himself in a sometimes inappropriate speech before supporters gathered at the end of the evening in Florida saying he had nothing to be ashamed of.
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“I never thought this was possible in America!” the former US president exclaimed shortly after appearing in court in New York.
“The only crime I committed was defending our nation against those who sought to destroy it,” he continued with his usual fervor.
Hours earlier, the 76-year-old Republican pleaded not guilty to falsifying accounting records in a highly publicized trial.
The charade continued all the way to his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where he used a speech that attacked the judiciary as much as his political opponents.
“The criminal is the prosecutor [district attorney]. “He should be investigated or resign,” he fumed.
“All legal analysts say there is no file! He continued.
His favorite themes
The billionaire spoke at length about each of the other investigations he was involved in, each time criticizing the “fraudulent” investigations.
During his speech, Trump, as usual, referenced his allegations of “rigging” in the 2020 presidential election, a conspiracy theory still held by millions of his supporters.
Pulling in all directions, he argued that the war in Ukraine would never have happened under his presidency.
“A Nation Falling”
The former White House tenant is not alone in commenting on issues since the end of his tenure, amplifying the hype.
“America is a mess, the economy is in free fall, inflation is out of control. […] “This is a declining nation,” condemned 45 peoplee President of the United States accused Joe Biden.
Throughout the live broadcast of his speech, public broadcaster PBS aired banners correcting the former president’s misrepresentations.
“It’s a chain of lies,” noted American political analyst Richard Latendresse, who struggles to find words to describe the former president’s fantasy.
Mr. Freed from Manhattan. Trump will try everything to avoid a trial in January 2024, months before the presidential election.
– with Agence France-Presse
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