Kovacsin’s anti-Govt vaccine, developed in India and widely used on site, has been shown to be less effective when used in real life than its clinical trials, according to a study released on Tuesday that illustrates this finding by Delta Rise. Variation.
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Nevertheless, the study concludes that Kovacs’ performance against corona virus infection is “against the backdrop of a strong upsurge of cases facing the potential dominance of the delta variant,” concluding this work published in The Lancet Infections.
Kovacin, manufactured by Bharat Biotech Group, is the first anti-Govt vaccine developed in India.
Although only recently approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), the two-dose vaccine with the inactivated virus, Covaxin, has been in use on the site since the beginning of this year, and officials are not waiting for major conclusions about the medicine. Tests.
The latter, finally given in early November, showed good efficacy: among those vaccinated, three-quarters of the cases were less than those receiving placebo.
The study, released Tuesday, looks at what happened when the vaccine was actually promoted in real life rather than clinical trials. Its data show that by the spring of 2021, India is at the peak of an epidemic wave.
Teachers Ex Post Facto examined the condition of about 2000 caretakers of a hospital in New Delhi. Half were found to be positive for Covit-19, while another asymptomatic case was excluded from the study.
The results show less effectiveness than clinical trials: these data suggest that half of those who are vaccinated have prevented symptomatic infections, but not more than three-quarters.
Authors often explain this decline by the rise of delta variation. It is highly contagious, so it is a very serious vaccine.
They underscore the need for rapid deployment of our results (this vaccine), while continuing to implement and comply with non-pharmacological measures, which they believe are prohibitive gestures such as wearing a mask.
The study did not measure the effectiveness of the vaccine only against acute forms, which is an important issue for the risk of infection and the burden it imposes on the health system.
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