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Latest news on the border crisis between Ukraine and Russia: live updates

Latest news on the border crisis between Ukraine and Russia: live updates

As world leaders scramble to find a diplomatic solution to the ongoing… Tensions between Russia and UkraineTurning the conversation to 2015 Minsk Agreement As a possible way out of the crisis.

The agreement, the second of its kind (and the significant one), was struck in the Belarusian capital in an attempt to end what was then a bloody 10-month conflict in eastern Ukraine.

But Minsk II was never fully implemented, since its main issues remain unresolved.

As the current crisis between Ukraine and Russia unfolded, the agreement also gained prominence as both sides claim that there are ongoing ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine.

Here’s what you need to know about the agreement:

Who are the main players? A rare meeting between Russian, Ukrainian, German and French leaders in February 2015 sought to bring peace to areas of Ukraine captured by pro-Russian separatists the previous year. Those areas, in Ukraine Donbass region, it became known as the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). The Ukrainian government in Kiev confirmed that the two regions were in fact under Russian occupation.

The talks also aimed to work towards a political settlement for the region.

The outcome of the Second Minsk Conference was signed by representatives of Russia, Ukraine, separatist leaders and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. It was later ratified by a decision of the United Nations Security Council.

What are the terms of the agreement? cease-fire. In February 2015, there was still heavy fighting in some areas between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed rebels, with Ukrainians suffering heavy losses.

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Withdraw heavy weapons from the fronts.

That the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe — a 57-member security organization that also includes the United States and Canada — is watching the front lines.

Dialogue on local elections in areas occupied by pro-Russian rebels.

Restoring full economic and social ties between the two sides so that, for example, pensions can be paid.

Re-control of the Ukrainian government on the border with Russia.

Withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries.

A constitutional reform that would provide some autonomy for regions of eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region are no longer under the control of the central government.

Read more here.