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Mysterious glass balls spotted by the Chinese rover on the moon’s surface

Mysterious glass balls spotted by the Chinese rover on the moon’s surface

A pair of mysterious glass globes have been discovered on the moon’s surface by the Chinese lunar module.

The translucent balls are up to four centimeters wide and were captured by the Yutu-2 panoramic camera.

According to a study published on Tuesday, UFOs are located on the far side of the moon, which Yutu-2 has been exploring since 2019.

Unfortunately, a robot the size of a washing machine was not able to analyze the chemical composition of the “pellets”.

They have been designated as targets for further study because they can help shed light on the early history of the moon.

Small glass globes are a relatively common sight on the moon, although their diameter is usually less than three millimeters.

They are created when silicates are exposed to very high temperatures – both of which are readily available on the Moon.

Usually, the balls are leftovers from a time when the Moon was volcanically active or created by meteor collisions.

The intense heat generated by the latter was likely responsible for the balls found by Yutu-2.

Yutu-2 has appeared on the moon since 2019.
Xinhua News Agency / Associated Press

“The clear and transparent glass on the Moon has a diameter of less than 1 mm, and the largest are dark and opaque,” the researchers wrote.

“The globules have formed or have recently been exposed as evidenced by their intact shapes and surface exposure.”

Studying the additional spheres could reveal new information about the composition of the Moon’s mantle and impact events.

Publish the research in the journal Science Bulletin.

Yutu has traveled a full 2 ​​km since landing on the far side of the moon in early 2019.

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It celebrated three years of exploring the far side of the rocky satellite – the first rover in history to do so – on January 11.

It’s not the first strange discovery that Yutu-2 has made.

Super Moon Over the Night Forest
The balls are likely leftovers from when the moon was volcanically active.
Getty Images

In December, the Chinese Space Agency Share a picture A “mysterious house” captured by the rover on the other side of the moon’s surface.

The cube-shaped object was suspended from the lunar horizon near the Von Karmann crater in the Antarctic-Aitken basin.

Scientists couldn’t agree on what it was, while online conspiracy theorists were adamant that it was a structure built by extraterrestrials.

It took Yutu-2 a few weeks to lock up on the object and get a better picture. Experts eventually concluded that it was an oddly shaped rock.

This article originally appeared the sun It is reproduced here with permission.