September 11, 2024

Westside People

Complete News World

NFL, Washington has no new comment after report regarding ticket revenue violations

NFL, Washington has no new comment after report regarding ticket revenue violations

Getty Images

Saturday evening, Dropped a little thing in the NFL Regarding the leaders of Washington. The report noted that the team allegedly withheld funding from the visiting team’s pool of funds distributed across the various franchises.

Since then, the NFL and the team have had no comment.

It’s frankly amazing. someone He tells the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform that leaders were manipulating, regardless of whether the witness had any actual facts to back them up. Shouldn’t the mere suggestion of such a gross infraction lead to a frank and obvious denial of the league or the franchise?

As we noted earlier, is it true or not. If that’s true, it’s game over. If not, well, keep playing. Scream. Scream. File lawsuits. Issuing press releases. Put the toothpaste back into the tube with the jackhammer.

They say a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth wears its pants. If there was nothing to claim that the leaders were keeping money that should have gone into the league, the lie has made its way around the world four or five times – and the truth is sleeping off the hangover of an evil ass.

That’s what’s amazing about it. The claim is so strong, so damned, so powerful that silence doesn’t seem like an option.

However, we asked the NFL this morning if they had a comment or statement regarding the ticket money report. The association said, “No.” The team had nothing to add other than its original comment regarding reports that the commission generally investigates financial irregularities.

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“The team is not aware of any investigation by the House Oversight Committee on financial matters, despite today’s vague and unsubstantiated allegations by anonymous sources,” a team spokesperson said in the week, before the specific allegation about ticket theft emerged. “The team categorically rejects any indication of financial irregularities of any kind at any time. We adhere to strict internal processes that comply with industry and accounting standards and are audited annually by a globally respected independent audit firm, and we are also subject to regular audits by Consortium NFL. We continue to cooperate fully with the committee’s work.”

Will the league or team say anything else? we will see. At the moment, they are not.