There was even talk of blowing up the wreckage to bring the bodies to the surface of the water.
The shipwreck is located southeast of Newfoundland in eastern Canada, 780 kilometers from the coast, at a depth of 3820 meters. “As early as 1912, several plans were under consideration aimed at raising the wreckage. There was even talk of blowing it up to bring the bodies to the surface of the water. It was gruesome, but the families wanted to recover their belongings and the bodies. Of the missing.” Says the liner enthusiast.
The technological means of the time did not allow the implementation of such large-scale projects. So the plans were all abandoned, and the wreck was accidentally discovered during a mission by the US Army only 73 years after the sinking. “In September 1985, a Franco-American team, led by Professor Ballard, accidentally discovered the wreck. Incidentally, in 2008 we learned that Ballard had a contract with the US Navy: he had to find two wrecks. No nuclear submarines were found, instead, for a project to search for the wreck of the Titanic. Funded by the military.
Today, experts estimate that by 2030 there will be no more ruins left. Actually the boat was blown away by a bacterium.Alomonas titanicae. Experts do not know whether it was already on the steel during the Titanic’s construction or appeared after, but this bacterium is of interest to all scientific communities related to shipbuilding (oil platform, pipeline, etc.).
So there is a certain species, a certain scientific urgency, that aims to map the ruins and preserve as much detail and information as possible.
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