October 23, 2024

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Turkey: Erdogan proposes referendum on veiling

Turkey: Erdogan proposes referendum on veiling

If you dare, come and let’s vote on this […]. Let the nation decideThe head of the main opposition party, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who first proposed the law guaranteeing the right to wear the veil, launched the Turkish head of state.

In response to the Turkish president, Mr. to follow Hungarian nationalist leader Viktor Orbán has become a symbol of the hard right.

Do you want to follow Orban, Erdogan? […] Where are you getting the polls from? If you don’t run, this question is solved. Men can no longer have an opinion on women’s clothing. Do you have this courage? he tweeted.

The veiling debate has recently heated up in Turkey ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for 2023.

Secularism in the Turkish Constitution…

Turkey, which is Muslim-majority but has secularism in its constitution, has long been a country where the veil is banned in public service, schools and universities.

However, restrictions on the wearing of the headscarf by Mr. Removed in 2013 by Erdogan’s government.

The Turkish president often portrays himself as a protector against Muslims elites Seculars, without him, purchased There will be a risk such as lifting restrictions on wearing the veil.

While wearing the veil sparked heated debates in the 1990s, no political movement has proposed its ban in Turkey today.

We have seen the hijab fallacies in the past… it is time to put this issue behind usIn early October CHP (Republican People’s Party, Social Democratic Party) leader Mr. Kilicdaroglu launched and proposed a law to guarantee the right to wear the veil.

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Created by the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the CHP is known as a staunch defender of secularism.

According to the audience, Mr. For Kilicdaroglu’s conservative voters – traditionally AKP, Mr. He would have wanted to show them that they have nothing to fear if the party in power changes – voting for Erdogan’s party.

…and an anti-LGBT arrangement

Faced with this attempt to win back the conservative vote, Mr. Erdogan responded by calling for constitutional change on the matter in early October.

An anti-LGBT provision will also be included in the text that the Turkish president has now proposed to submit to a referendum Strengthen the security of the familyHe announced without giving further details.

A strong family means a strong nation. […] Can LGBT be in a strong family? NoHe is the hammer.

As the representative of the will of the people, we will protect our country from the onslaught of wrong and evil currents.he added.