October 24, 2024

Westside People

Complete News World

Video Game History Foundation calls Nintendo ‘devastating’ shutdown of 3DS and Wii U eShop

Video Game History Foundation calls Nintendo ‘devastating’ shutdown of 3DS and Wii U eShop
Photo: Nintendo Live

This week, Nintendo announced 3DS and Wii U eShop closedWell… it caused quite a stir online.

So, what is this now Almost 2,000 games will not be purchased On 3DS and Wii U digital storefronts? There seems to be little that can be done from a consumer perspective. Either buy the digital games you want from these bookstores now or risk not having a “Nintendo Certified” way to access them in the future.

It got to the point where the Video Game History Foundation—a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and teaching the history of games—published its own statement about closing Nintendo’s old digital stores.

Her statement acknowledges how she understood the “working realities” of the situation at Nintendo’s end, but notes how it leaves fans with few options moving forward if they want access to certain titles. And while not providing commercial access is “understandable”, blocking institutional work to preserve titles is “effectively devastating to the history of video games.”

It is also targeting Nintendo for its active funding of lobbying that prevents places like bookstores from being able to provide legal access to these games. Here is the statement in full:

“While it’s unfortunate that people won’t be able to buy 3D digital games or Wii U games anymore, we understand the realities of the business that were made in this decision. What we don’t understand is the path Nintendo expects its fans to take, they want to play these Games of the future. As a paid member of the Entertainment Software Association, Nintendo is actively funding lobbying that prevents even libraries from being able to provide legal access to these games. Not providing commercial access is understandable, but preventing institutional work to preserve these titles moreover This is effectively devastating to the history of video games. We encourage ESA members like Nintendo to rethink their position on this issue and work with existing institutions to find a solution.”

As you can see above, ultimately, we encourage Nintendo to “rethink” its position on these issues and work with existing institutions to find a solution. This statement has already generated a lot of “likes” at the time of writing.

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How do you feel about the news that the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShop will be shutting down? Leave a comment below.