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Weekly horoscopes for the week of July 4th by pieces

Weekly horoscopes for the week of July 4th by pieces

Solange, Cancer.
Photo illustration: Preity Kinha; Getty Images

Late on Monday night, the sultry planet Mars enters Taurus and invites us all to settle down for the long haul. For the next six weeks, don’t lose heart. Victories will not come quickly but through perseverance and the desire to keep going no matter how long it takes. Amazing change becomes possible not because of miracles or good luck but rather the slow transformative magic of perseverance. Later Monday night, the communication planet Mercury enters the intuitive position of Cancer, where it will remain for the next two weeks. As you try to make sense of the world during this time, great and logical theories may fail, but you can find clarity in feelings and the warm light of your relationships with others.

You have enough of a streak of optimism to hold on to the hope that people can change – that those who have always ignored your feelings will finally see how wrong they were, and that those who have offended you will be compensated. While believing in people’s ability to grow is beautiful and generous, it can also make you feel sad. This week, give yourself permission to stop waiting for people who have never stood by you. This is not an act of despair. In fact, it is believed that in doing so, you make way for people who will welcome you with solidarity and open arms.

There is a part of you that feels apologetic for the smallest of pleasures these days. It’s not that you think self-denial is virtuous or that you’re unworthy, just because it seems unfair to feel happy when so much around us collapses. Consciously or unconsciously, you may try to balance the scales and mitigate your feelings of guilt by avoiding comfort, and stubbornly turning away from invitations to enjoy yourself. What the world needs now, however, is no less joy but more. It’s okay to have fun when you can, fill your cup, and create more beauty and kindness in a world that desperately needs it.

When you are honest with yourself about how much change is needed, and how much better life could be—whether in your own life, in your community, or in the wider world—you may feel that you have little to contribute. Your dreams are big, but your resources are limited. You are only one person, and your life is filled with the normal necessities of sleeping, eating, and going to work. The key this week is not to be ashamed of not doing “more”. Every day, you have the power to do something good, if it is small. And all those little actions will pile up, if you let them.

Despite the disappointments I’ve faced in recent years, despite the many grievances I’ve experienced, a small portion of you hope that if the situation truly It became dark enough, those in power would finally step in and help. But even that illusion has now been shattered. There is sadness and anger this week in reminding you that there are strong people who can fight for you but won’t. Instead of that old hope, you’ll find a new one – and an understanding that when no one else comes forward, you can still fight for your community, and they’ll fight for you too.

Even the deepest sadness is easy to bear when you know you are not alone in it. The most anxious worry in the chest about the future is less when you know that you will have friends by your side to confront it. You won’t be able to fix the whole world, but you Can Make things better this week by building community. Make new connections, mend strained relationships. Commit to making each other’s lives sweeter today. Love is not like that All This is important, but we cannot do without it.

You know that – in theory, at least – things could be different: there is no inherent reason why society cannot be freer, more generous, and less violent, and there is no cosmic master plan that says we can’t choose another way of living. In practice, it is easy to convince yourself that these alternatives exist only in the realm of fantasy and not reality. This week, you’ll find that you don’t have to commit to a dream – you can also act as if a better world is possible. And every time you choose to break unfair or restrictive rules, you are laying the foundation for the new existence you yearn for.

This week you may worry that you are suddenly invisible. No one cares about your sharp notes and helpful thoughts or notices the vital contributions you constantly make to your community. You can raise your voice and demand to be seen, but you have other options, too. Consider the benefits of doing your work for him, at least for a while. This is an opportunity to take big steps forward without the pressure of others’ expectations or the risks of overexposure. Trust that, eventually, you will be recognized the way you want to.

You are a strategic thinker by nature – adept at reading a room, planning a few steps ahead, and maneuvering through the toughest problems. But there are circumstances in life that require simple and persistent determination instead. Perhaps this type of work will be less useful to you, but that does not make it any less important. This week, the important thing is to just wait. Keep working and stay committed to your humanity, your people and your principles. You don’t need to be smart or analyze your way through this. For now, it’s enough to keep showing up.

You have incredible courage. You may take an amazingly beautiful risk for others to do the right thing in the face of resistance or even danger. In order to realize your full potential here, though, you need to practice. Courage is like a muscle: it’s atrophied if you never use it. So your task this week is to take care of your nerves and keep them in good shape. Every little opportunity you take, every time you stand out, you ensure that you stay strong, principled, and ready to take action when the world asks you to do more.

Right now, it’s tempting to bury yourself at work. Whether it’s paid or volunteer, the goal is the same: to fill your days so you don’t have time to wade through panic, uncertainty, or distressing emotions. And there is something to be said to direct your feelings into meaningful and tangible action. This week, it’s important not to overcommit. Taking on too many obligations puts you on the path to exhaustion, and it won’t help you or any other person. The procedure is necessary, but make sure that it is proceeding at a sustainable pace.

When you think about the ongoing catastrophe we live in, you see no room and no justification for being anything less than heroic. You yearn for a sense of special purpose, for grand gestures and actions; It is almost unbearable to continue to be confused by the trifles of everyday life. But what the world needs from you this week is not to chase something “better” than an ordinary person’s life. Instead, every day Your great task at present. There is value in discovering how to live alongside others with courage and love in defiance of greed and cruelty.

You’ve been stressed and uncertain about your place in the world lately, and it’s only been made worse by many People – perhaps in your life as well as on social media and the news – are working to convince you that you are powerless. They say that all you can do is wait to ask for salvation, and that the wisest course of action available to you is to ask for better treatment politely. But they are of course wrong, and it is your job this week to remember that. You don’t need permission to take care of your community and improve each other’s lives. You already have all the power you need.

Read weekly horoscopes For the week of June 27. weekly horoscopes For the week of July 11 It will be online next Sunday.

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