October 23, 2024

Westside People

Complete News World

“Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy.”

“Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy.”

Who remembers a memorable debate between the candidates for Vice President of the United States? I shouldn’t even ask the question since the theme of this blog’s second fundraising campaign in 2024 will focus on past debates between US presidential candidates. But you can guess that a certain number of readers responded by recalling the famous black fly that landed on Mike Pence’s white hair during the 2020 debate against Kamala Harris. Attractive E. I agree with MAthieu’s suggestion which takes us back to October 5, 1988.

“There was a remarkable debate between Texas Senator Lloyd Bentson, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, and his Republican rival, Indiana Senator Dan Quayle. At one point, Quayle compared his own experience to that of John F. Kennedy,” recalled our reader and commentator, George S. Bush’s deputy. The deputy mentions a comparison he has used often since his nomination: At 41, it’s useful to remember that his 12 years in the Senate and House of Representatives were worth Kennedy’s 14 years before he became president at 43.

Some of Quayle’s advisers note that comparisons are dangerous. Senator Bentson, then 67, proved them right by recalling his relationship with his friend John, nicknamed Quayle, known as Jack:

“Senator, I worked with Jack Kennedy. I know Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy is my friend. Senator, you are not Jack Kennedy. »

As MAthieu points out, Don Quayle could not intelligently respond to this line that has gone down in history.

So thanks Mathew for this memory. And thank you to everyone who has already contributed to this fundraising campaign, and to others who will be doing so by the end of the evening!

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(Photo by ABC)