October 24, 2024

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Supreme Court | The three judges are trying to calm down the controversy surrounding the wearing of the mask

Supreme Court |  The three judges are trying to calm down the controversy surrounding the wearing of the mask

(Washington) Three judges of the Supreme Court of the United States on Wednesday sought to defuse controversy over wearing a mask inside a reputable organization.

Released at 3:24 p.m.

Since last week, despite the re-emergence of Govt-19 infections in Washington under the influence of the Omigran variant, only Conservative Neil Korsch of the court’s nine magistrates has not covered his face during the trial.

On the contrary, his progressive colleague Sonia Sotomayor, who suffers from diabetes and is highly susceptible to the virus, did not leave the mask, and since the start of the school year in January, has been participating in discussions via audio link from his office. .

On Tuesday, the public radio NPR, citing unnamed sources, confirmed that High Court Chief Justice John Roberts, in consideration of his colleague, had asked all judges to wear masks and that Neil Korsch had refused.

NPR’s information denied

The latter, who was appointed to the post by Donald Trump, was later crushed on Twitter.

On Wednesday, three judges denied the allegations: They are wrong, ”the two involved wrote first.

Photo j. Scott Applewhite, Associated Press

Judges Sonia Sotomayor and Neil Korsch posed for an official U.S. Supreme Court photo on May 1.There is June 2017 in Washington.

“Although we sometimes disagree on legal issues, we are loving colleagues and friends,” they added.

Shortly afterwards, Judge Roberts dismissed the case:

Judge Roberts said he would not comment further on the matter.

Nine wise men from the Temple of American Law have received three doses of the vaccine and are constantly being tested. After several months of teleworking, they have been sitting in front of at least a small audience since October. In the fall, some of them had masks, but all but Neil Korsch returned to the habit of wearing them.

Wearing a mask is a very strong political symbol in the United States, where in some places the obligation to cover one’s face is considered a violation of personal liberty by a large part of the right.

Supreme Court justices want to reiterate their emphasis on the collectiveness of their work, beyond political battles. However, it is difficult for them to hide the deep differences between the solid Conservative majority (six judges) and the left-wing minority (three).