January 21, 2025

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Joe Biden’s serious negotiations to implement his major reforms

(Washington) Joe Biden expressed his confidence on Tuesday after intense talks with elected Democrats as the US president races against Congress over time to implement his key economic and social reforms.

“After a day of constructive meetings, the President is more optimistic tonight about the way forward for delivering strong and sustainable development to the American people,” a United Nations spokesman said in a statement. White House Gen Zaki.

After several weeks between the Democrats’ left and mediators, the Democratic president has stepped up his efforts on the scale and extent of its enormous social (education, health, child care) and environmental costs.

The president has held talks at the White House with elected officials on both sides of the debate, and on Wednesday will promote his plans in a speech to the working-class town of Scranton in his native Pennsylvania.

“There was a broad consensus on the urgency of moving forward over the next few days and closing the window of the fire to complete a comprehensive plan,” Jen Saki said.

Earlier, Democrat Pramila Jayapal, the leader of the Progressive Party in the House of Representatives, expressed her confidence in the outcome of discussions with Joe Biden at the White House.

Like the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, after lunch with other elected Democrats on Tuesday, he stressed that there was “a general consensus” on the need to succeed in reaching an agreement. “This Week”.

“The pace has accelerated and the desire to get there is strong,” he assured reporters.

Joe Biden met with two prominent Democratic senators – Joe Munchin and Kirsten Cinema, who have a veto size for his nearly $ 3.5 trillion plan to reform America’s social structure.

Because if the Democrats control Congress, no deviation is possible because their majority in the Senate is so thin.

However, Joe Munch said he was ready to vote on the $ 1.5 trillion line for social spending.

After meeting Joe Biden, Pramila Jayapal said the latter’s counter offer ranged from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 2.2 trillion.

Progressive Democrats in the House of Representatives, for their part, refuse to vote on the $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure development and restructuring plan, with most Democrats and a large number of Republicans without a guarantee of social spending.

Their argument: Once the bridges and roads are funded, the center’s Democrats will be more than happy to postpone the vote on the social aspect until the Greek calendar.

If the competition in the Democratic camp continues in public, Jen Zaki will be optimistic.

“We have months to evaluate, discuss, plead,” he said. “It’s time to move forward quickly and get results for the American people.”