Following the use of one of its military-style rifles in Tuesday's shooting at Texas Elementary School, arms manufacturer Daniel's Defense...
On Sunday, Joe Biden will certainly find words of remorse in the face of the families of school students killed...
A 25-year-old woman who left her four dogs in a car for dinner has been charged with cruelty to animals...
Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, a rival of current leader Volodymyr Zelensky, announced on Saturday that he had refused to...
When handcuffed by police a few minutes ago, a mother kicked her two children out of Ulwalde school. Read more:...
Mr. affected by the tragedy. According to McGrath's explanations, police officers who intervened at Rob Elementary School believed that the...
(Atlanta) The conservative state of Georgia and its capital, Atlanta, have become a dangerous zone for Donald Trump, who recently...
China and Russia met at the UN on Thursday. The United States has vetoed a resolution in the Security Council...
The wife of one of the teachers killed at Rob Elementary School in Wolverhampton died of a heart attack Thursday...
In every American massacre, the ritual is the same: this planet, scared, wonders why America can't control guns. We understand...