October 24, 2024

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Biden urges Democrats to accept the revised social plan

Biden urges Democrats to accept the revised social plan

Initial invoice from Plan to rebuild better (Better recreate), which specifically targets health, education and the environment It was opposed by two Democratic senators From the Conservative segment, it was $ 3.5 trillion, more than double the most recent plan.

The president, who has delayed leaving for Europe, is scheduled to attend the G20 summit in Rome, where he hopes to reach an agreement on COP26 in Glasgow later, he explained. Structure This economic planHistorical During a speech at the White House.

After months of behind-the-scenes talks, but in the public arena, the Democrats, who have proposed ambitious reforms aimed at expanding the social security web, have agreed to add water to its liquor.

The plan, its definitions are drawn but its main lines are to be defined, retaining the Democratic presidential preferences such as free preschool. It still builds funding for childcare services, the fight against climate change, affordable housing and home care, but the amount allocated to it is quite modest.

For example, the new version of the program increases the amount invested in clean energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from $ 678 billion to $ 555 billion.

However, he gave up free access to community college, falling prices of prescription drugs and the idea of ​​parental leave. Therefore, the United States is preparing to remain the only country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that does not provide paid leave to parents.

No one, including me, got everything they wanted. But this is the essence of a compromise. That’s the consensus, that’s what I campaigned for.

A quote:Joe Biden

According to the White House, the plan on the table will not push the country into debt. Its financial structure will be funded by measures such as the introduction of a 15% minimum tax on the profits of companies reporting profits of more than $ 1 billion and the introduction of additional taxes on the rich. : 5% richer than $ 10 million and an additional 3% on income over $ 25 million.

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Joe Biden made it clear that those earning less than $ 400,000 a year in the proposed plan would not be taxed – Democrat Senator Kirsten said the concession to cinema was anti-tax, even for wealthy Americans.

The plan was warmly praised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who compared it to a program launched in the 1930s to lift the country out of the Great Depression. Is amazing. It is noteworthy that after President Franklin Roosevelt, it presents a broader perspective than we have seen in a very long time. New Deal.

Infrastructure project bargaining chip

Democrats, including Pramila Jayapal, one of the leaders of the party’s progressive wing in the House of Representatives, walk out of a White House meeting with President Biden a few days ago.

Photo: Associated Press / Susan Walsh

Joe Biden hoped he could announce a deal ahead of his official trip to Italy and Scotland.

Before he left for Rome, he met with the House Democrats on Capitol Hill in the morning to try to persuade them to stick to his plan.

I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that the majority in the House and Senate – and my presidency – will be determined by what happens next week., He told them, according to one source, probably the same, quoted New York Times And this Washington Mail.

We have an administrator who gets 50 votes in the US Senate, He would have promised.

Representatives of the progressive camp confronted with uncertainty surrounding the adoption of a broader program of social policies in the Senate They have been refusing for weeks to vote in favor of the infrastructure project One trillion dollars already The Senate approved.

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Nancy Pelosi is expected to pass the infrastructure bill before arriving in Italy in the evening, following Joe Biden’s new proposal.

However, one of the leading Democrats in the House reduced his intentions. Progressives have been clear and consistent for monthsRepresentative Pramila Jayapal wrote on Twitter.

The two bills must be passed together – and once the full legislative text of the popular ‘Built Back Better’ bill is prepared and adopted, we will be happy to implement the President’s entire agenda.

A quote:Washington State Representative Pramila Jayapal

In a note sent to her Democratic counterparts in the evening by Nancy Pelosi, she assured of the success of both attempts.

The good news is that our members, who are not ready to vote yes today, have expressed their commitment to support. [Cadre bipartisan pour les infrastructures] And the best restoration bill, She wrote.

Before giving the green light to the new version of the project Create better again, Progressives want to continue a strong guarantee of support for senators Joe Mancin and Kirsten Cinema.

After several months of production and good faith talks with President Biden and the White House, we have made significant progress on the proposed budget reconciliation plan., Kirsten Cinema said in a statement. However, he did not go so far as to announce the green light, moreover, than Senator Mansin.

This is the last Do not think that anyone can support [le plan] Until he sees the text. Last month, he said he would not accept a bill of more than $ 1.5 trillion.

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In the Senate, Democrats rarely exercise their control, and the fate of Joe Biden’s social program is retained by these two elected centrists.

On Twitter, Senate Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell slammed Democrats. Irresponsible taxation And a Waste cost, Because he felt the Biden plan was happening Harm American families and help China.

The bill is linked to a practice known as Reconciliation, Democratic senators can accept it without Republican votes.