October 24, 2024

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Canada is increasingly in the cyber crosshairs of Moscow, Tehran and Beijing

Canada is increasingly in the cyber crosshairs of Moscow, Tehran and Beijing

The document in question, published every two years, refers to Moscow, Tehran, Beijing and Pyongyang. continue to be the biggest cyber threats targeting CanadaAnd Critical infrastructure is a prime target for cybercriminals and state-sponsored criminals.

What the report’s authors make clear is that these foreign actors do not need to act immediately; They will like it Obtaining information by engaging in espionage, exposing themselves to potential hostilities, and using force and intimidation.

If there is ever a conflict between Canada and one of these states that plans or sponsors cyberattacks, digital criminals will spring into action.

And these illegal activities It could have a significant impact on Canadians’ ability to communicate and obtain essential goods and services.

The report also points out that cyber threats are shifting to fake news, including undermining public trust in virtual spaces such as social media, and with geopolitical interests.

Also, exposure to Canadians For campaigns [mésinformation et de désinformation et à la malinformation] Will definitely increase in the next two yearsUnderline the authors of the document.

Peace that is not too flat

While the Cyber ​​Security Center often reports intrusion attempts, that doesn’t mean attacks haven’t been launched against Canadian targets.

Already in SeptemberA report by the University of Quebec’s Multidimensional Conflict Monitor in Montreal revealed at least 75 foreign cyber threats of a political or industrial nature targeting Canada since 2010, ranging from attempts to steal research related to COVID-19 to targeting Uyghurs. Human rights activists.

A document by the Cybersecurity Center, since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020, More than 400 healthcare organizations in Canada and the United States have faced ransomware attacks. (Editor’s note, malicious software that can lock up a computer system while demanding a ransom to regain access to data).

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A cyber incident also severely affected Newfoundland and Labrador’s health systemWe also study.

In addition, experts at the center claim to have noticed An increase in threats against municipal and provincial governmentswith More than 100 cyber-threat operations targeting Canadian municipalities since early 2020.

Pandemic, a vector of cyber threats

With large numbers of Canadians obliged to work from home during the worst times of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses here have sometimes had to build digital infrastructures very quickly.

In doing so, the defense is not always on the side of the employer, on the side of the employee, or at some other point between these two actors.

Thus, the report’s authors write The amount of data collected on every Canadian is significantAnd This volume will increase as new technologies enter the market, creating opportunities for threat actors to steal personal information..

Since 2020, moreover, internet usage in the country has risen by 64%. This opens the door to all kinds of dangers if necessary precautions are not taken.

Therefore, one of the recommendations in the report is to secure networks and adopt good practices in protecting infrastructures and personal information.

Unsurprisingly, the Canadian Center for Cyber ​​Security report also notes thatCyber ​​threat actors are likely to continue to exploit hybrid work infrastructure and target home networks, as well as personal employee devices to gain access to Canadian companies..

Rather than going after workers or employers directly, digital buccaneers may target middlemen, including links in supply chains already strained by pandemic restrictions, labor shortages and inflation, among other issues.

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The global network split into two

In addition to the threats directly targeting Canadians, the report also notes the continuation of efforts by a large number of states to develop competing standards to regulate the dissemination of information on the Internet.

Therefore, authors rely on company data Freedom HouseThis indicates that 56% of internet users on the planet live in countries where political, social or religious content is banned online.

The same actors that direct cyber threats against Canada, such as Russia, Iran and China, are fueling the growth of this parallel internet, where almost everything is controlled by state-owned companies, and censorship is state-led.

Another organization mentioned in the report, AccessNow, last year, 34 countries have used internet blackouts to suppress social and political unrest or limit the spread of information during elections and conflicts..

And Over the next two years, the gaps between an open and transparent Internet and an Internet focused on national sovereignty will continue to grow.Write to the authors of the Center for Cybersecurity.