October 24, 2024

Westside People

Complete News World

From hero to “terrorist”: The journey of Rwandan dissident Paul Rusabagina

From hero to “terrorist”: The journey of Rwandan dissident Paul Rusabagina

It inspired the film Hotel RwandaA hotelier saves a thousand people during the 1994 genocide, and if his heroism brought him international fame, his fierce opposition to the Rwandan government also made him a target of power.

I will never forget. That is my duty. If we forget, we cannot manage the present and prepare for the futureImmediately Paul confirms Russabakhina in the program All Terrain On the airwaves of ICI Premier.

He is now 70 years old and became famous through movies Hotel RwandaPublished in 2004, it tells how a moderate Hutu who managed the Hotel des Mille Collins in Kigali saved some 1,300 people during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

April 13, 1994, at the UN in Kigali. A Belgian soldier on duty. (archive image)

Photo: Associated Press / Jean-Marc Bouju

Opposing Paul Kagame, Rwanda’s president for more than 20 years, accusing him of displaying authoritarianism and fueling anti-Hutu sentiment, Mr. Russabakhina used her Hollywood fame to give her posts global resonance.

However, Mr. As he repeatedly spoke out against Kagame, he eventually fell into the hands of those in power.