The Legault government has resigned to abandon the mandatory vaccination of health workers, which cannot be done without vaccinated caregivers. The most “sad result”, in the view of experts, is believed to bring to light a “chronic problem” in the face health network.
Quebec will put off more suspense than last October. A dozen days before the end of the second deadline, on November 15, Health and Social Services Minister Christian Dupe promised to drop the compulsory vaccine.
“We are now moving from compulsory vaccination to compulsory screening. Let’s go to another stage,” the minister said on Wednesday.
He declined to see the setback as a failure, describing it as a “success” for health and social service workers’ vaccination coverage instead. National Public Health Director D.R. Horacio Arruda, Quebec, would not have “probably reached” such a high rate without the goal of compulsory vaccination.
About 14,000 employees in the public health network have not yet received the Govt-19 vaccine, of which about 8,000 are in the field. Of this number, about 5,000 are caretakers. Despite this small number, the network could not do without it, Mr. Dube explained.
He estimates that approximately 97% of workers have received adequate immunizations. For the remaining 3% (8,000 of the 290,000 employees working in the network), he admitted, “We tried everything.” The government created different scenarios to snatch itself from these employees, but the risk to the network was too great.
As many as 12,000 service restructures and 449 service cuts are expected across the province as 8,000 workers are suspended without pay on November 15. Areas such as Montreal, Estrie and Chaudière-Apalaches are particularly affected.
So Quebec will focus on screening non-vaccinated employees three times a week in the public and private sectors. This has been in effect since the deadline of October 15. Quebec pays for the screening, but the employee has to do it on his own time.
Those who refuse to exercise will be placed on unpaid leave.
Health facilities are encouraged to re-employ unvaccinated staff “if possible” to areas where customers are less vulnerable.
Workers who are not vaccinated lose the Covit-19-related bonus. Remember that all new employees in the Health Network must have received adequate immunizations before entering their jobs.
“Safe” maintenance environments are guaranteed for Quebec
According to FIQ, the government “feels” that there is “no room for maneuver” in the health network. The union argued that “public health recognizes that people can feel safe in health systems by wearing the highest vaccination rates and screening techniques and personal protective equipment.”
Quebec, backed by public health, ensures maintenance environments are “safe” with the measures delivered Wednesday.
Professional orders to suspend the right to training of non-vaccinated members when the order comes into force will review their decision. The nurses’ mandate points out that the government’s new orientations will not “affect the practical rights” of its members. The order of the assistant nurses also revoked the suspension of its members.
The College of Physicians says the vaccine “remains a protocol obligation,” but will wait to see the “new version” of the order before deciding what to do next.
According to experts, a “sad” decision
Andre Weilt, medical professor of medical research at Montreal and director of the Division of Molecular Cancer Research, said that the government’s decision was “regrettable” because compulsory vaccination of health workers was “the best way to protect counseling people”. Company.
Roxane Borgès Da Silva, a professor at the University of Montreal School of Public Health, agrees. “It’s very frustrating to see that we can’t do maximum quality maintenance,” he breathes.
However, this face of government bears witness to and assesses the “long-term problem of the health network”.Me Borges da Silva. He explains that we cannot do without these workers at a high rate that is not present in the network. “It brings back the importance of thinking about the conditions of health workers,” says the professor.
While compulsory testing is a good move, it is not perfect, he argues. After contact with the virus, there is an incubation period in which the test result is negative, recalling the latter.
Opposition cross-section
Again, Franசois Legalt proves to us that music cannot cope. This decline is unjustifiable and the CAQ should have acted in January when we demanded that this measure be implemented. How to believe now?
Dominique Anglet, leader of the Quebec Liberal Party
We have just seen the end of the history of the declared defeat. We have been able to see for a while that the Minister of Health no longer truly believes in his misguided idea of compulsory vaccination in the health network.
Vincent Maricel, Member of Parliament for Quebec Solitaire
The government, in this whole process, has apparently not been serious and has failed in its responsibilities. The state had a duty to plan. He wanted conflict with health and social service staff.
Joël Arseneau, parliamentary speaker of the party Quebecois